Browse our menus by selecting the outlet then the day and meal, from the left panel. To exclude allergens use the Allergies Menu to select them to exclude. Some allergens will fall into multiple allergen categories e.g. Cereals containing Gluten and Wheat .
To see only items that meet a certain preference such as Vegan, select the preference, from the right-hand side to exclude anything that does not meet your preference. Add items to 'My Meal' to compare or build a meal.
If you require further assistance or have a question please visit our Concierge Desk at Park Eat or email - the fastest way to get an answer is always in person.
If you have a food allergy, intolerance, or coeliac disease – please speak to the staff about the ingredients in your food and drink below ordering or purchasing. If you plan to eat with us on a regular basis with a Meal Plan, please contact us so we can work out a bespoke management plan. All our kitchens handle multiple allergens and whilst we try our upmost to ensure they are free of unlisted allergens, there will always be a risk of cross-contamination from unlisted allergens so therefore cannot guarantee food will be free of allergens.